Welcome to my web page. My name is Peter Kolenic. I live in village Petrovany near to a town Presov (Eastern Slovakia). My favourite hobby is breeding pigeons, I raise English Pouters (blue), Pigmy Pouters (black and my new breeding brown), Cauchois, Takla and Lynx. I am a member of Slovak Breeders Association and Slovak Club of English Pouter and Pigmy Pouter Breeders. When I was seven years old, my father brought first pigeons for me and my older brother. These were fantails and Bohemian Pouters. Later (in 1969) my father bought one pair of English Pouters black. About 1972 I began with English Pouters (EP) blue, these I raise hither-to. E.P. was and are very popular in Slovakia. I raise Cauchois and Takla only short time. I show my pigeons year after year in the Slovakia and sometimes abroad. I like a lot of pigeons breeds but unfortunately I can´t breed more of them. I hope you enjoy my web page. I would like to thank my Slovak a Czech pigeon friends for cooperation a helping.
Anglický hrvoliak - English Pouter - Английский Дутыш
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Ukraine-Russia live war updates: Evacuation buses blocked from entering Mariupol, leaving Ukrainians to flee on foot - ABC News
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March 14, 2022 Russia-Ukraine news - CNN
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'We are not co-operating': Life in occupied Ukraine - BBC.com
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The spectre of tactical nuclear weapons use in Ukraine - Al Jazeera English
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Ukraine War: Putin demands Mariupol surrender to end shelling - BBC.com
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Ukraine war: The West has failed to deter Vladimir Putin - can it find the courage and unity to change direction? - Sky News
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March 11, 2022 Russia-Ukraine news - CNN
DavidCok,6. 4. 2022 23:59<img src="https://cdn.cnn.com/cnnnext/dam/assets/220310164235-01-mariupol-destruction-0310-super-tease.jpg"> March 11, 2022 Russia-Ukraine newsCNN plsHelpUkraine04202206
Was it inevitable? A short history of Russia's war on Ukraine | Keith Gessen - The Guardian
DavidCok,6. 4. 2022 22:53<img src="https://i.guim.co.uk/img/media/3c630f4309d8063a5b849bdcd5e57665f837fe13/0_147_4405_2643/master/4405.jpg?width=1200&height=630&quality=85&auto=format&fit=crop&overlay-align=bottom%2Cleft&overlay-width=100p&overlay-base64=L2ltZy9zdGF0aWMvb3ZlcmxheXMvdGctZGVmYXVsdC5wbmc&enable=upscale&s=931675b7697c81ee568af7f74f1eed08"> Was it inevitable? A short history of Russia's war on Ukraine | Keith GessenThe Guardian plsHelpUkraine04202206
Was it inevitable? A short history of Russia's war on Ukraine | Keith Gessen - The Guardian
DavidCok,6. 4. 2022 21:41<img src="https://i.guim.co.uk/img/media/3c630f4309d8063a5b849bdcd5e57665f837fe13/0_147_4405_2643/master/4405.jpg?width=1200&height=630&quality=85&auto=format&fit=crop&overlay-align=bottom%2Cleft&overlay-width=100p&overlay-base64=L2ltZy9zdGF0aWMvb3ZlcmxheXMvdGctZGVmYXVsdC5wbmc&enable=upscale&s=931675b7697c81ee568af7f74f1eed08"> Was it inevitable? A short history of Russia's war on Ukraine | Keith GessenThe Guardian plsHelpUkraine04202206
Kremlin says peace talks with Ukraine not progressing rapidly enough - Reuters.com
DavidCok,6. 4. 2022 20:53<img src="https://www.reuters.com/resizer/eGIXUHDri0RQhnjSnyuN-SqZk4w=/1200x628/smart/filters:quality(80)/cloudfront-us-east-2.images.arcpublishing.com/reuters/RFBMCW65VROYFGG2ASNNKTBSYQ.jpg"> Kremlin says peace talks with Ukraine not progressing rapidly enoughReuters.com plsHelpUkraine04202206
30 Young Ukrainians on the Beginning of the Russian Invasion - New York Magazine
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Ukraine War Reverberates in Europe’s Factories and Warehouses - The New York Times
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вЂOften a Russian mother has a TV for a brain’: Ukraine YouTuber films PoWs calling home - The Guardian
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Putin Would Take Ukraine's Neutrality as Permission - The Atlantic
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Russia’s services sector shrinks amid western sanctions over Ukraine - The Guardian
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Live updates: Ukraine: Plant staff forced to record address - The Associated Press - en EspaГ±ol
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JosephCor,26. 3. 2022 17:08BR Projects. We from Ukraine. No War! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G1n69Gki1Io Gadgets that change the world! Start of the campaign in March-April. The first thousand participants will receive gadgets engraved with your name. All gadgets unisex
World-renowned photographers sell prints, with proceeds going to Ukraine relief - CBS News
DavidCok,7. 4. 2022 8:40